My Journal

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My Journal

A New and Faster Way to Get Dapper Notes in Europe
The U.S. P.remium S.lowness This past January, new USPS rules went into effect that limited the use of their most affordable international shipping option. Instead of being weight-based like all their other offerings, one could only use that service to send actual letters....
Behind the Scenes of this Site's Realignment
It was time. Over a year in the making but for the most part not being made at all. This site was overdue for a makeover, and what you're looking at right now is the fresh coat of paint. Here's what I changed and why I did it.
Enonspiration 18
Starting up February with the 18th installment of #enonspiration, and celebrating a few black creatives who inspire me. Go check them out and show them some well-deserved love: @dblj05  Jarrett’s mantra “anything is possible” happens to be one of my...
2nd Anniversary Giveaway Celebration!
Thank You On January 11th, 2016 I sold the very first Dapper Notes. Two years later I'm able to continue experimenting and making these products I love, thanks to you. Three Gifts, Two Winners To celebrate, I partnered with two...
Enonspiration 17
Starting the year right with the 17th installment of #enonspiration, where I share people who inspire me. Go check them out and show them some well-deserved love: @kayla_stark  Kayla creates deceptively simple illustrations with oh-so-nice textures. Whimsical ftw!   A post...
2017 Lookback, #typewipe Edition
 2017 was a wild year in many respects. Before it began I decided to make Dapper Notes my main focus, and at years' end I'm happy to say that all my efforts have paid off. I: Redesigned the main Dapper Notes site Announced nine...
Gift Wrap Your Dapper Notes with Printer Paper
When you need to gift a pocket notebook or few, all you need is: standard-sized printer paper, scissors, and tape. That's it! Watch the step-by-step video to wrap your notebooks perfectly every time, and use these templates as your guide. You...
Behind the Logos
This website has two logos, kinda. There's a nice bit of history behind each one and how they work together. Here's how it all started...
The First Dapper Notes Stockist
I'm happy to announce that my good friends over at Pocket Notebooks UK are the very first stockists of Dapper Notes. As you already know, each edition is made in very small quantities, and I'm now making a few extras to ease...
The Making of Summer of Sketching Notebooks
New Video! The ninth edition of Dapper Notes was made in collaboration with Eric Friedensohn, to celebrate Summer of Sketching. While constructing the notebooks, Eric shot a lot of behind-the-scenes footage, and compiled it all into this one-minute, delightful video. If you...
New Summer of Sketching Notebooks are Underway, with a Free gift!
The first batch of Summer of Sketching Dapper Notes sold out very quickly. Unlike previous editions, this one is not a limited release but rather a timed edition. That means they'll be available through early August, at which point no new notebooks will be made....
How to get your hands on a sold out Dapper Notes
(Dapper Notes photo by @emmibee) Regardless of whether you're already familiar with Dapper Notes, or coming across them for the first time, one thing you'll notice right away is that a majority of the editions are sold out. How Dapper...
Enonspiration 16
This is the 16th installment of #enonspiration, where I share people who inspire me. Go check them out and show them some well-deserved love: @lantru  Lan’s illustrations appear simple at first glance, but theres oh so much depth in every...
Win a Sold Out Dapper Notes
When I make my pocket notebooks, if they don't come out flawless, I won't put them up for sale, which leaves me with a handful of slightly-less-than-perfect notebooks. What does “a little off” mean? Most of the time it’s an...
Paper Performance: The Dapper Notes Paper, Ink, and Graphite Test
Every Dapper Notes has the same 70lb smooth paper inside, and while it always worked well for my penciling needs, I often get asked about how they perform with fountain pens and other inks. I'm not exactly a fountain pen...
All About Fabric Notebook Covers
Out of all the things that make Dapper Notes special, one feature that stands out above the rest are the fabric covers. If you haven't seen my notebooks in person yet, let me explain: How Dapper Notes covers are made...
Enonspiration 15
This is the 15th, and a very special edition of #enonspiration, where I share people who inspire me. I normally talk about a handful of creatives, but today is dedicated to the one and only, my beautiful wife @elishevasa on...
Enonspiration 14
My last new Instagram post for 2016 is a sweet one. Bittersweet, actually, but let’s not get technical with the chocolate, shall we? This is the 14th installment of #enonspiration, where I share people who inspire me. Go check them...
This Just In: The Paper Chronicles Review
"The Cadillac of notebooks" "Elevating pocket notebooks to new heights" "Bergdorf Goodman all the way" These are some of the things Sarah of the famed Paper Chronicles called Dapper Notes, and I couldn't be more delighted. What a way to...
From the Dapper Notes Family to Yours, Happy Gifting!
Keep that just-opened gift-ey feeling all year long with The Bookhead Club: You get six editions of Dapper Notes, delivered every other month, and like one of our subscribers said, it's: "a ray of sunshine in [your] mailbox." Thank your...
How Dapper Notes Are Made
Well, this isn't the step-by-step how to make Dapper Notes from scratch. It's a video! For the sixth edition, The Runner, I filmed my process of putting together the notebooks from start to finish, and cut the clips into a...