The First Dapper Notes Stockist

The First Dapper Notes Stockist

I'm happy to announce that my good friends over at Pocket Notebooks UK are the very first stockists of Dapper Notes. As you already know, each edition is made in very small quantities, and I'm now making a few extras to ease shipping costs and delivery times for European Dapper Notes fans.

Here's what Stuart from had to say:

“OK. These notebooks are going to challenge you. They are stunning. We are very lucky to be the first, and as I write, the only international vendor for Dapper Notes. The only way to guarantee your quarterly supply of these extraordinary notebooks is to subscribe directly from Enon at, as I do.

“I reached out to Enon about how painful international subscriptions can be and twisted his arm to let me have an allowance this side of the Atlantic. The starting price will make your eyes water.

“These are not your run of the mill pocket notebooks. In the US, they are at the top of the price spectrum. Take small amounts and fly them over here and they get higher on that spectrum. However, they are truly limited edition, lovingly handmade and frankly, really cool.”

Check out the current stock over at