TL;DR U.K. friends can now shop for Dapper Notes and sign up for the Bookhead Club through The Stationer.
Goodbye to Nero's
There was a two-year period at the start of Dapper Notes when shipping notebooks around the world was the easiest thing and wildly affordable. Sending a sturdy envelope with notebooks cost nearly the same to send to Europe, Asia, or Africa as it had to mail to California. Basically pennies. But in January 2018 that ride ended when USPS discontinued envelope rates for merchandise, making it pricy to send goods outside the U.S., from then and forever.
Enter Stuart, proprietor at Nero's Notes U.K. and lover of stationery. Stu reached out asking to stock my goods, we became fast friends, and very quickly not only did Nero's carry Dapper Notes in a way that make shipping to the U.K. and Europe more affordable, he also became a Bookhead Club distributor for subscribers in the area.
We've had a wonderful seven years of partnership. At some point I helped Stu redo the entire Nero's website, where I built up a new way to categorize things, set up a brand new template, and created new branding. I also brought in Manny who made the Dapper mascot to illustrate a cute dog for Nero's. But fun things sometimes come to an end.
Stuart sadly announced the closing of Nero's, and the last items disappeared off their shelves this past Thursday. I will sorely miss Nero's presence in the stationery community, and appreciate Stuart and Clare's friendship.
Hello to Tessa
My bud Tessa who is also a lover of stationery and curator of a wonderful web-based shop call The Stationer has taken over distribution of Dapper Notes in the U.K.
She is also servicing the Bookhead Club: U.K. residents are now able to join the Bookhead Club through The Stationer, saving both time and money.
So say hello to Tessa, and even if you're not in the U.K., it's worth having a peek at her Instagram, TikTok, or shop for some fabulous stationery inspiration.